Tuesday, February 2, 2010

computer love?

funny thing. i was having another girl talk conversation with one of my girlfrieds and the conversation we had insprired todays topic. we sat and discussed about how technology has just made us all so lazy these days. i was watching this movie called "he's just not that into you" and drew barrymore said something that just hit the nail on the head. she was reminiscing about the times when and if someone was interested in you, you gave them one number to call and if you weren't there, then they left a message on that one machine. but now you have people contacting you through different emails, different telephone numbers, and if they have these telephone numbers to try to reach you, then they are texting you instead of speaking directly. did we as people lose our social skills that we worked hard to delovelop as children to the point that we rely on keystokes to do our "dirty work". how and when did it get this far for us communicate through so many electrical portals? i was done when i had guys trying to ask me out and make dates through texts only. a computer is handly but it doesn't need that much love.

this was just my opinion through my eyes.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

to see or not to see...

welcome to my blog everyone. so where do i start? well, just so you know, this isnt the first time i blogged but if this your first time reading my blogs, all i ask is that you come with an open mind and remember that my thoughts and experiences are through my eyes. me and my single girlfriends were talking via conference call one evening and one of them them started to go into the "where are all the good men" conversation. so as we have our "girl talk" one of my friends suggested for her to try one of those internet dating sites. you know like eharmony or match.com. she tried them both but on one, she posted a recent photograph and on the other, no photo. of course her responses were plentiful from the ad with the picture and less on the one with no photo. but theres a twist. the say the exact thing... word for word. so as she tries to weed out the duds from the studs, she comes to an understanding during the weeding process. the ones who responded to the ad with the photo didnt read her requirements like the ones who responded to the ad with no photo. important things like, you must be single for starters. this makes me truly wonder if men are only visual creatures. because if you look at it, how many of us were ugly ducklings in school and having guys poke fun at us only to blossom years later and have those same guys to now be interested, or a guy seeing a girl in the club thinking "damn she has a hell of body". not knowing what the inner make-up is. i can't count the number of times that i saw or heard of a guy getting caught up with the law or some bust the windows out your car baby mama drama because of this externally beautiful woman. not saying that women aren't guilty of the same shallow behavior either. but to be honest, men generally go for what they want, while women tend to go for what they need. when we read books, you dont read it because of the cover. but what really makes it interesting to the seeker is the contents inside. thats just my opinion through my eyes.